Workshops Data Knitting

Algorithmic patterns and textiles


Algorithmic Mazes

Nazca pre colombian bell shaped pendantMaze generation algorithm

Cellular automaton maze algorithms

"Certain types of cellular automata can be used to generate mazes.[1] Two well-known such cellular automata, Maze and Mazectric, have rulestrings B3/S12345 and B3/S1234.[1] In the former, this means that cells survive from one generation to the next if they have at least one and at most five neighbours. In the latter, this means that cells survive if they have one to four neighbours. If a cell has exactly three neighbours, it is born. It is similar to Conway's Game of Life in that patterns that do not have a living cell adjacent to 1, 4, or 5 other living cells in any generation will behave identically to it.[1] However, for large patterns, it behaves very differently from Life.[1]"

Cellular Automata Maze (source


Cellular Automata Persian Rug

The life-like cellular automaton known as “Persian rugs” or “Serviettes”creates patterns when the initial seed is a small symmetric figure. As the name says, it creates symetriesvery similar to that are found in intricate Persian carpets designs.

Von Neumann or Moore neighbourhood such as 245330323313023033122121

Generated with Golly

Persian rug

The main fields of Persian rugs are frequently filled with redundant, interwoven ornaments, often in form of elaborate spirals and tendrils in a manner called infinite repeat. Carpets with centralized designs, characterized by a large medallion represents the sun, the divine and the supernatural.


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Tramages d'Images - jacquard, patterns,dithering techniques

Data Knits

Workshops Data Knitting