Dowsing in the wirelessness

Western media archaeology was influenced by the practices of mediums exploring the invisible ethers collaborating and inventing new ways to wirelessly communicate in the mid XIXth & XXth century using body's, fluids, electricity, craft, electromagnetism, radio, occult energies and experimental science to channel with the cosmos, human and non human entities, the weird and the unknown.

The 2nd part will be a hands on to do some ghost hunting in the invisibles : Delving in electronic hardware to channel, wire, communicate and interlace with our electromagnetic environment: listing to the discreet, the micro energies, interferences and channelling in our electronic circuits to sense, dream or hallucinate with them. How can techno feminist practices create alternative ways to think of our electromagnetic environment weaving with discreet invisible materialities ?

Eclectic Tech Carnaval 2024

Wirlesse communication through the ether

"L'influence des planètes sur le corps humain", Franz Antoine Mesmer, 1766

"Un fluide physique subtil emplit l'univers, servant d'intermédiaire entre l'homme, la terre et les corps célestes, et entre les hommes eux-mêmes "

A subtile fluide fills the univers used as an intermediary between men, the earth and celestial bodies and between the men themselves"

The celestial telegraphe 1855

Spears, the New Motive Power, as he believed it would come to create a new power, a new motive, for all people. He predicted the machine would run off invisible electric wires that connected all people in all places, and this connection would be a great globalizing and equalizing force to us all.

Experiments in mass telepathy Oliver Lodge 1927

Sally Rhine and her daughter testing zener cards

Dream & Telepathy Montague 1973


Planchetta for automatic writing

Piping in the atmosphère

Harvesting cosmic electricity

Konstantin Raudive EVP to record voices of spirits

Eva C materilaising electricity from her body at a seance 1912Figuier Louis les merveilles de la science 1867

Domestic Technology

Induction, static, energy harvesting, electromagnetic , electric, magnetic interactions with conductive bodies.

Electrical experiments 19th centuary

Body Machine

Mina Crandon being tested by HoudiniEdison talking doll  1890

ENIAC computers 1945

Telephone operators

Sounds, electrical energies travelling voices through space

Clara Rockmore and her theremine 1930

Part 2 /Ghost hunting in dead circuits

Elisha Grey Telephone 1890

Acoustique radar

Loooking at induction techniques to tune or pipe in the conductive components and paths found on discarded hardware.

Sending in dead circuits small voltage and sounds to feed in some energy. By experimenting as we go, we can create small inducteurs: coils of conductive wire (copper or steel) or reuse on the board components such as inducteurs, speakers, antennas...

Inducteurs are made with conductive materials commonly used is copper. You can make coils flat or 3d, see if you want to reuse elements that have copper windings on your dead circuit board and connect them to a jack cable. But every wire or conductive element is in fact an inducter so explore with lengths, shapes, sizes to listen to the variations. You will also be picking up interferances, electricity and mirco voltages. Try grounding or not grounding your wires to see the differences.

Induction explained

Mutual induction

When two coils are brought in proximity to each other, the magnetic field in one of the coils tends to link with the other. This further leads to the generation of voltage in the second coil. This property of a coil which affects or changes the current and voltage in a secondary coil is called mutual inductance. source

Any moving charge creates a magnetic as well as electric field around it. So in electromagnetic induction when certain current is passed through conductor it creates a magnetic field around itself. And when any other conductor comes in the effective distance then this magnetic field acts on the electrons of that conductor and makes them flow(remember that either magnetic field should be time varying or you should be moving your 2nd conductor back and forth then only the charge will flow in 2nd conductor).

As we send in sound in our circuits we are actually sending electricity that varies and modulates. The electricity moves around the electrons that are in these conductive elements. This creates an electromagnetic field around our conductive material, component.

Our inducteur also made of condcutive material, enters the electromagnetic field (EMF) of the circuit and through the induction effect it will pick up the energy wirlessly of our moving electrons.

Radiesthesia: the art of dowsing

“Dowsers also project an intent to find or a request for the location of a given object or target. One could say that it is a mental or psychic pseudo pod of possibly infinite length. An answer to the request seems to be fed back via their bodies in the form of molecular movements, which – because they are usually not consciously perceived – are called involuntary. The muscles cause the dowsing rod or pendulum to move, thereby objectifying the muscular action that, self-generated by the requester, cannot really be termed automatic.”

As dowsing became more universally practiced and accepted, it acquired a formal name: Radiesthesia. Bird defined radiesthesia as “a word coined in the 1930s by the Abbe Bouly in France. It is taken from a Latin root for ‘radiation’ and a Greek root for ‘perception’ and thus means literally the ‘perception of radiations.’ At one time the Journal of the British Society of Dowsers was called RADIO-PERCEPTION. The word has been adopted all over the European continent with the exception of the so-called ‘socialist’ countries, which have adopted a newly coined Russian word, Biofizicheskii Metod or ‘biophysical method.’”

Bird and the radiesthesiologists leave us with no conclusions regarding the exact nature of the radiations themselves. He refers those frustrated with the lack of scientific explanation to Thomas Edison. When asked what electricity was Edison replied, “I don’t know, but it works.”

source: The Secret Art, A Brief History of Radionic Technology for the Creative Individual by Duncan Laurie

Radiesthesie mentale, boîte a sable de MertensDes l‘antiquité, les coquilles Saint Jacques, étaient utilisées et portées pour se protéger de la sorcellerie, du mauvais sort et des maladies.

Anthe_hieronymusbox_two_paul_laffoley_1991Electroculture antenna

scalar energy coil