Workshops Data Knitting

Glitched Textile

We can understand a fragment of textile since it carry’s it’s own data encoded in different layers. Reverse engineering archaeological textiles gives an important testimony to everyday life, farming, trade,migration of nations, religious rituals, art and technical culture. We can deconstruct a textile since it is often constructed chronologically (weaving, knitting, basket weaving) decoding the instructions that were followed by the creator to repeat the process. A textile piece can also lead us to the tool or machinery that was used to make it. A codec of a file format will give us information on the type of data, how it's compressed, constructed’s binary code will give us the code of the image. Glitching techniques show us the underlayers of how digital images are made by deconstructing or provoking errors in their data files. Counting the number of threads per centimeter on a weaving is similar to the resolution of a digital picture or changing the offset of a digital image will create a shift in the image and create new patterns.


Hacked pattern from brother electronic knitting machine pattern catalogueGlitch experiments with haked knitting machineGlitched TexteScreen print, unraveled and reknittedCodec *.data in geditTurning a .WAV format file (sound file) into a visual pattern with Audacity and GimpGlitched jacquard loom cardGlitched Pattern with text editor, raw formatDeformed islamic tiling pattern with a scannerRaw data


Glitch with a text editor:

Rosa Menkerman glitch artist and theorist

Pixel sorting with Processing:


Kim Asendorf

Melissa Baron jacquard weaving:



Binary textiles

Glitch Knit

Workshops Data Knitting