~13.77 billion years ago
Il y a approximativement 13.7 milliards d'années des matières-énergies ont jailli du néant, au début de l’univers, constituant les matières invisibles de nos mondes. Des éléments de rêves nocturnes collectifs sont nanogravés sur des petites particules de poussières cosmiques et rendus à peine visibles par un faisceau de lumière qui les éclairent. Certaines sont destinées à être relâchées en orbite autour de la terre et d’autres enfouis profondément sous elle. Les corps célestes des météorites primitives sont constitués de grains de poussière née au moment de la formations de notre système solaire et portent les mémoires aussi anciennes que la création du cosmos telle que les 1ers atomes, molécules, étoiles et galaxies.
Ces micrométéorites sont gravées d'images vues lors de rêves ou se façonnent des appareils et créatures étranges qui explorent d’autres matérialités s’inscrivent parmi toutes les autres matières-énergies connus et inconnus qui forment nos mondes : les ondes électromagnétiques, la psyché, l’âme, les hallucinations, l’imagination, les émotions, la mémoire, la magie, les photons, le plasma, la matière et l’antimatière, l’énergie noire...
Produit dans le cadre de la résidence Arts et Sciences portée par le Musée d'art contemporain en plein air du Sart Tilman en collaboration avec Réjouisciences (ULiège), avec le soutien de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, 2023-2024.
Collaboration menée avec le laboratoire de nanotechnologies de l’unité de recherche CESAM (Complex and Entangled Systems from Atoms to Materials) et le département de recherche (UR) CESAM en nanosciences et nanotechnologies de l’Université de Liège avec la complicité du Prof. Alejandro SILHANEK (EPNM) et le Prof. Duy NGUYEN (SPIN) et Emile FOURNEAU. Verrerie scientifique de l’université de Liège par Héloïse Colrat.
Recherches lors de la résidence ici et un article écrit ici
Extrait du catalogue Intangibles ici
~ 13.77 billion years ago» 2024, Poussière cosmique, nanogravures, laser, verre, et les rêves de Al, Lucie, Nora, Laura et Claire.
2024, Poussière cosmique, nanogravures, laser, verre, et les rêves de Al, Lucie, Nora, Laura et Claire. Claire.
A talk , Transvisibles, was organised at University of Liège.
A panel of researchers in physics, astrophysics, archaeology and philosophy around the artist Claire Williams, will have as its central element the question of invisible materialities or those standing at the edge of the visible. The presentations will attempt to sketch out our past and present relationships to the world through their respective disciplinary and historical prisms. The question of the gaze and its instruments for validating or invalidating the materiality of an object will also be addressed. A large number of matter-energies escape us, and we have to try to model them, imagine them, speculate about them or dream about them in order to make them tangible. How can art and science work together to create the invisible? And what does it mean to make the invisible?
Approximately 13.77 billion years ago is an ongoing research, on how energy-matter sprang from the
void at the beginning of the universe, weaving the invisible materials of our worlds.
Elements of collective nocturnal dreams are nano-engraved on small particles of cosmic
dust and made barely visible by a beam of light. Some are destined to be released into
orbit around the earth, while others are buried deep beneath it.
The celestial bodies of primitive meteorites are made up of grains of dust born when
our solar system was formed, and carry memories as old as the creation of the cosmos,
such as the 1st atoms, molecules, stars and galaxies.
These micrometeorites, engraved with our dreamlike visions of strange devices and
creatures exploring other materialities, are part of all the other known and unknown
matter-energies that make up our worlds: electromagnetic waves, the psyche, the soul,
hallucinations, imagination, emotions, memory, magic, photons, plasma, matter and
antimatter, dark energy...
Production in the frame of a residency at musée d'art contemporain en plein air du Sart Tilman & a collaboration with pôle muséal et projets culturels Réjouissiance (Uliège) with the support of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles 2023-2024. A collaboration led by CEASAM reserach group (Complex and Entangled Systems from Atoms to Materials)and the reserach department (UR) CESAM in nanosciences and nanotechnologies of the university of Liège with the complicity of Prof. Alejandro Silhanek(EPNM) Prof. Duy Nguyen (SPIN) and Emile Fourneau.
Residency research here and an article written here
Extract of Intangibles catalogue here
~ 13.77 billion years ago» 2024, cosmic dust, nanogravures, lazer, glass and
the dreams of Al, Lucie, Nora, Laura et Claire.
A talk , Transvisibles, was organised at University of Liège.
A panel of researchers in physics, astrophysics, archaeology and philosophy around the artist Claire Williams, will have as its central element the question of invisible materialities or those standing at the edge of the visible. The presentations will attempt to sketch out our past and present relationships to the world through their respective disciplinary and historical prisms. The question of the gaze and its instruments for validating or invalidating the materiality of an object will also be addressed. A large number of matter-energies escape us, and we have to try to model them, imagine them, speculate about them or dream about them in order to make them tangible. How can art and science work together to create the invisible? And what does it mean to make the invisible?